Sunday, February 21, 2010

People Watching

So today it was my praise team's turn the lead Sunday worship. I say 'my' team but I really just mean I member of that team. My job is mostly just to do whatever I'm told to do...and I'm happy about that.

However, it's the first time I've led since I've announced my intent to go to seminary and enter full-time ministry. I found myself wondering if people in the congregation were viewing me differently up there because of that?

I must admit that I was feeling differently about it myself. I felt like that I somehow now have something to 'prove'. I know that's the wrong way to feel, but I'm chalking it up to my fallen nature. I just want to do well and have people feel that God was glorified and if I can be a part of making that happen for people I'm all for it.

Os Guiness, in his book "The Call" talks about living your life for an audience of one -- THE ONE. Something I think we all have to remind ourselves to do.

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