Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Eating Out

It was my wife's birthday today so I found a sitter and we went out for dinner and a movie...on a Tuesday. Pretty rare for us to do ever much less on a Tuesday.

We went to a restaurant in the small town where we live. It's a Tuesday, it's a small town, it's a small restaurant, so there were less than 10 people in the place, but even then, when I was supposed to be focused on my wife I found myself wondering.

My wife called me on it...there was an elderly couple sitting at a table near ours. I was facing them (and her), but she had her back to them and she said, "You just can't stop people watching, can you?". She's right I have a (bad?) habit of people watching. Sitting on those walkway benches in malls is one of my favorite pasttimes. I explained to her that I don't really people watch, I people wonder....

I wonder who they're shopping for? I wonder if they're married? Aren't they supposed to be in school? With the elderly couple at a restaurant I wondered, why, on a Tuesday night, are they braving single digit temperatures to eat a hamburger? Were they celebrating a special occassion too? Was this a long established Tuesday tradition for them? I wonder how long they've been married? I wonder IF they're married? Why are they sitting next to each other rather than across from each other?

It may all sound kind of nosy, but I'm a curious individual. I'm a people person...I like to know about people. I didn't ask the questions, I just thought them, wondered them. So it's not really nosy, right?

I wonder how they would have responded if I had asked them. I wonder...


Jamin Ver Velde said...

It's so true of me as well. And I hate it. I have trouble striking up good conversations with my wife--even on special occasions. I've made a concerted mental note to not be one of those old couples in the restaurant who spend a whole meal together without saying more than, "Your collar's up" to each other. I think one of the world's most admirable things is seeing a couple married 40 or 50 years who genuinely still adore each other and show it.

Jamin Ver Velde said...

Oh, yeah. Our own anniversary is coming up in 4 days. Wish me luck (and verbosity).