We are officially out of our house and into our apartment. This apartment will serve us quite well for the next 30 days. Leaving the house was hard, though. We went back on Wednesday morning to finish up a few things and take a few pictures of us and the kids in front of the house. We said goodbye to the neighbors, shed a few tears, and drove off. It will be a long time before we own a home again which is strange to think about.
We had some great help from family and friends to get us out of there on time. Jessica had a few ladies offer to help her clean and I had a few guys help me load up and haul all of our earthly possessions away. My mom watched the kids for the day which was also a tremendous help.
Things continue to move forward on all fronts, in fact, I'm writing this entry from my brand new laptop that I just opened up and configured yesterday and I love it. This should serve me quite nicely for the next several years. If you want to know, it's a Dell Studio 17 (
Just a few minutes ago I ordered the software I need for seminary. It's called Logos, and from the way it looks it's got more bells and whistles than I could ever hope to use. It's basically a giant preacher's database that allows you to cross-reference a bunch of different commentaries, bible translations, and textual studies all at the same time in the same location. It looks pretty cool and I'm excited to learn how it works.
Tomorrow we are headed to Worthington for the weekend with my whole family. Mark & Kelli and the kids are here from Zeeland and we are going to have a fundraiser from them on Saturday morning at my parent's church. This is an opportunity for people here to meet them at an Open House and help defray some of their medical expenses associated with Ruby's care and treatment, since most of it is not covered by insurance. It will be good to be altogether one last time before we take off.
Time for some ice cream....good night!