Friday, June 8, 2012

Summer Internship Begins

Today marks the completion of my first full week as “Summer Intern” at Seymour CRC in Grand Rapids.  Today also marks the first full day of summer vacation for Zachary and Bethany.  Indeed, there is much to be excited about on all fronts! =)

I am really looking forward to my work here this summer.  The majority of my time will consist of sermon preparation as I will be preaching 14 times over 9 Sundays.  In addition to that, I will attend several committee and council meetings, participate in a church-sponsored Summer Camp for single parents and their kids, research and recommend a new committee structure for the church, make pastoral care calls and visits, and (Lord willing) tag-along on a youth group outing to Cedar Point Amusement Park at the end of June.  It should be a pretty great summer.

It’s been a good week of getting settled.  I got both of my sermons written for Sunday, went along on a couple of pastoral care visits, went to a few meetings and got a good jump on my morning sermon for next Sunday. 

I’m fortunate to work with a great group of staff members at a church we are already well acquainted with.  I like the rhythm of being at a ‘regular job’ again too.  I do miss that about school and look forward to being back in a working mode again.  I hope to establish healthy habits for work and home that will set me up well for later ministry. 

I’ll try and ‘report in’ every so often to let everyone know how it’s going.  I’m excited and am already getting a little nervous for Sunday morning!

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