Thursday, November 24, 2011


It’s been a while since my last post, but it’s been a pretty regular few weeks.  We are all currently in Canada at Jessica’s parents’ house for the holiday.  It’s not a holiday here (Canada celebrates Thanksgiving in October) but we are enjoying some downtime here. 

Despite the fact that it isn’t a holiday here, our hosts were gracious enough to prepare and serve a traditional Thanksgiving dinner which we will have tonight.  I’m very excited!  Eating, as many of you know, is one of my favorite past times.

I appreciate the fact that we have a today dedicated to being thankful.  It’s good to take a moment and reflect on our many blessings.  However, as Christians, I think we need more than the occasional reminder that our lives should be characterized by thankfulness.

I truly believe that being thankful should be a way of being for Christians.  Thankfulness is not something you do, it is an attitude you have.  Thankful is who we are and how we live.  Living thank-full lives naturally leads to lives that are joy-full, content, peaceful, and all the other Fruits of the Spirit.  Thankfulness serves a dual role.  In addition to freeing us for showing the fruit of the Spirit, at the same time, it combats envy and greed and malice and anger – and many other attitudes that oppose the fruit of the Spirit.  So it not only helps us reflect on the positive it allows us to counteract the negative. 

So today, celebrate with family and friends and turkey and stuffing.  But remember that tomorrow and everyday thereafter our lives should reflect have an attitude of gratitude for what we have been given by God – not just here on earth, but in heaven as well. 

Thanksgiving is not a holiday, it’s a way to live.  Live a thank-filled life today and always.  Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Beth TenHaken said...

Hope you are and continue to have a good time at the in-laws. We missed you yesterday, and all our kids and grandkids. It was one of those holidays without any of our kids, but it was still a great day. We heard an amazing message in the morning, and then went to Sioux Center where Kathy and Leon hosted us with a great dinner! We got to meet Grace Eliserio for the first timme....she is a DOLL!! I got to play Candy Land with some of my great nieces and nephews (Rachel and Greg's kids. It was a different Thanksgiving, but one full of thanks, none the less! Upon arriving back in Worthington, we were invited to the Woitalewiczs for popcorn and Watching the movie "Elf". All in all ...a great Thanksgiving Day!
Tomorrow morning, Grrma Da and I leave for Cedar Rapids to be with Carla,. She has her 60th birthday on Monday. It was 7 years ago next month that she had her stroke and she is still able to enjoy life. I wanted to be part of her 60th celebration.

Now we count the days until you and your family will be here! Can't wait!

Love, Mom